4700 Oakton St., Skokie, IL 60076
4023 Dempster St, Skokie, IL 60076
(847) 675-7030
5332 W. Addison St., Chicago, IL 60641
Program Overview
Reading and Language
✔ Know that pictures and symbols have meanings
✔ Identify letters of the alphabet
✔ Make some letter-sound matches
✔ Begin to develop phonological awareness
✔ Answer simple questions about a story
✔ Use drawing and writing skills to relay a message
✔ Listen, understand and respond to directions
✔ Know that reading progresses from left to right and top to bottom
✔ Identify signs and labels in the surroundings
✔ Recognize numbers and count with understanding
✔ Use concepts that included number recognition and one-to-one correspondence
✔ Solve simple mathematical problems
✔ Beginning to understand the concept of time by following daily schedule and routines
✔ Sort, classify and compare objects
✔ Recognize shapes and structures in the surroundings
✔ Show understanding of measurement
✔ Beginning to learn addition and subtraction as they sort, classify and make a comparison of quantities
✔ Learning to use senses to observe and discover surroundings
✔ Learning to use common weather-related terms
✔ Use scientific tools such as thermometers, magnets, balance scales, and magnifying glasses for observations
✔ Know the concept of night/day as well as the seasons
✔ Begin to be aware of technology and how it affects us
✔ Know the basic safety practices
Social Studies
✔ Show understanding of the similarities and differences in people
✔ Learning to understand the concept of voting as a way of making choices
✔ Beginning to understand the concept of leadership in the environment
✔ Beginning to learn & think geographically
✔ Understand that each of us belongs to a family and the differences in every family as to their culture
Fine Arts
✔ Participate in music, dance, and drama activities
✔ Describe their own creative work or of others
✔ Use creative arts as a way of expressing themselves
Physical Activities
✔ Know how to express feelings, needs, and wants
✔ Show eagerness and curiosity
✔ Begin to understand and follow rules
✔ Learning how to seek solutions to problems
✔ Displaying initiative and independence in actions
✔ Show empathy and caring for others
✔ Begin to share materials and take turns
✔ Respect the rights of self and others
✔ Develop a relationship with children and adults
✔ Participate in cooperative groups play